Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week 1 Over!!

Well my first week of time off is over and not only did I not shoot a deer, I didn't even see one. The rain and wind from Hurricane Sandy pushed out on Tuesday (the 30th), but the unsettled weather didn't push out until Thursday. A cold front pushed in last night (the 2nd). We figured the storm pushing out, and the cold front would put deer on their feet, that didn't happen. I know about 6 people who were at it hard this week and they all ended in the same boat as me. We had a couple of our biggest bucks on their feet prior to the storm but only late at night. We have had a couple random small bucks check scrapes but very sporadically, and only late at night. There has been almost no daylight activity despite almost perfect conditions following the storm. Hopefully the coming week will bring better results.

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