Friday, November 6, 2009

Big Old Deer

Later in the day today I got a call from my brother saying that he had shot a large buck. He was hunting off the ground, on a hard wood ridge where he had seen two decent bucks yesterday. He had made a mock scrape, and filled it with some Tinks69. At 10:30 he heard a deer approaching. As it came into view he saw it was a large buck. The buck was very cautious as he made his way in, at one point causing my brother to have to draw, and then let it back down. Eventually the buck stepped into the scrape at 30yds..THWACK!! My brother thought he had made a gut shot. 4 hours later and about 250yds, what he thought was a gut shot was a liver and off lung shot resulted in a 6 1/2 or more year old, 10pt, that tipped the scales at 205lbs. And I thought I had a good morning..Congrats Mike you deserve it!!

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